Skipper Sunday…Moved!

Hey everybody,

Recently a friend reached out and wanted to start a blog with me and this blog is more about my personal life so Skipper Sunday has moved! If you want to keep up with my happenings I will post a link each week to the other blog OR you can follow the link I will provide and throw a cool little follow our way!

The Business Girls

Thanks for reading!


The Blur Week

Wow I cannot believe its Friday already. This week has been a ride. On a work front it has been really fantastic. I have been doing a lot of writing lately and I am finding my grove with it. I don’t really have any funny stories for you as I have been pretty distracted lately!


It finally happened though. An article I wrote is finally up on the site which is beyond amazing. You can read it here if you want to!

It’s surreal to think that I could spend the rest of my life writing and doing what I love. It has always been a passion of mine to do this. I love to write and tell stories, I always have and now to be heading into a career where I could be doing that every day is more than a dream come true. I am so lucky to be able to love what I do. I mean the current job isn’t my dream job. It is hard to write in the space I have but it pays well, its a solid distraction with Skipper gone and it is experience and that my dear readers is the most important piece of the puzzle. I can say that I have mastered the building of a dinette bed thingy though! No more nasty bruises! Thank the lord! I also have some very exciting news coming on Sunday! So stay tuned!


In response to The Daily Post’s writing prompt: “Nightmares.”

Describe a nightmare? Really? Challenge me please! I’m begging you!

A nightmare. Skipper walks away boards a ship, a plane, a train. It always changes. He boards this method of transportation without hearing I love you come tumbling past my lips.

I was late. I missed goodbye and the look in his eyes haunt me even when I am awake.

The look of pain, the look of resentment.

Resentment. The nightmare that always follows me. The one I would happily never see again.

It’s a nightmare I hope stays only a dream.

One photographer and Mission 22

This week has already been emotional. Skipper is off soon and that means high emotions as I get ready for goodbye. But lately there has been another high emotion, a protective one. RMC has been under a lot of media attention lately and I am not going to get into it because it makes my blood boil. I understand the situation and what it means and everything else and I know that sexual assault is wrong regardless of the gender of the victim but the situation still irks me.

I am protective and loyal by nature. Skipper calls me his golden retriever on steroids some days and so it is hard for me to watch the ad I am about to mention as well as see what is going on at the college lately. That being said it brings me hope because even though this ad is targeting American service men and women it means there is hope for them all because we need to stand behind our troops and support them through every stage of their careers because without them or world would look very different.

22 american service members commit suicide Every. Single. Day. 22. That is 22 mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, husbands, wives, sons and daughters taken away from their families. 22. That is 8,030 people a year. That is to many. 22 is to many. 1 is to many. This members made it home. They came back and when they come back, before they go and the whole time they are on deployment they need support. So thank you Mission 22 for doing what you do and bringing awareness to a cause that desperately needs it.

Wounded Warriors is a Canadian Non-Profit that helps returning soldiers deal with PTSD while supporting their families as well. They do incredible work every day to help our returning troops.

Remember if you don’t stand behind our troops, fell free to stand in front of them.

Skipper Sunday: a hello and goodbye

So Since Hal has decided that he doesn’t want his name to be after an army officer I have been tasked with changing his name. Actually he came up with it I just wanted to be dramatic. He also takes up to much room on my Friday posts so he’s been moved to Sunday and his name is Skipper. See what I did there? Cute right?

Anyway my little Skipper is skipping off to Victoria on Wednesday. That still seems a little surreal to be honest. I mean yes, it has hit me that he is in fact leaving. I just don’t like that it is real. It’s been hard. It still doesn’t feel like enough and I don’t think any amount of time with him will ever be. Skipper and I have been inseparable lately. I spent a little bit of time with him on the weekend. We did what we loved to do and we just got to be with each other and visited his family and it was great. It was the best way to spend a holiday weekend. But that doesn’t make it any easier to say goodbye. 11291342_930849846972371_794892685_n

I know it’s only 2 months and I’ll have lots to do to keep me busy but it is still 2 months full of things that I would want to do with him. But the training will make him happy and that is really all that matters I suppose. He will love his time there and that is what is important. I will miss him and I really hope a small part of him misses me a little. That is really the only thing I ever worry about. I know its silly and it is only 2 months but it still sneaks in there every now and again.

Don’t get me wrong saying goodbye and knowing its coming is horrible some times. Its intense and it is NOT all “lets spend all this time cuddling and being cute together” I mean there is a lot of that but I have a job and he has other people to see.

Sadly, that does sometimes mean I’m the one sitting at home alone on my bed with a giant box of chocolate and another full of kleenex while watching the notebook for the 8 millionth time feeling sorry for myself. Other times its full of “please for the love of god stop talking about how exciting it will be out there” or my personal favourite. “I wonder if I sit here long enough looking at him with sad puppy eyes he’ll stay.”. Yea that doesn’t work. Also, hiding things does not work either. At least not in a dorm room. He will find it so… I guess this is it though. I am inside 72 hours now and that’s really all there is to say.

Writing, Writing and More Writing!

This week was weird. Mostly because Monday was the holiday and I, for whatever reason, get all messed up when I have a day off. Although I will be forever grateful for that time which I will explain in my post tomorrow. Now, back to the good stuff.


Work is mostly the same. A lot of pictures and descriptions of trailers that needed to be done. Also, IT HAPPENED. Ladies and Gentlemen. There are 2 posts that I wrote on the Facebook and Twitter site. Yep I am awesome. Not really actually it took a lot of changes to get them to where they are but they are up and I think its cool.


I mean I get to write and I get to write and then I get paid to write so what could possible be wrong with that?

That is really all that happened this week because well it was 4 days long.

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Tiny Sizes, Starbucks, and Adweek


There is a really cool/weird trend in the fast food industry. According to the article on Adweek it is because of all us consumers who are ‘sugar aware’. The trend is causing companies to make a new smaller than a standard small size available. Many companies have been doing this for a while now but the most recent addition to the family is Starbucks with their adorable and still stupidly priced Frappuccino size. Sadly, like many things this will only be available until July 6th so my friends. Drink the cuteness while you still can!

Experience Thursday. Work and Seperation.

So I know that I won’t have time tomorrow to post something so me being all sneaky and organized I’m going to post it today! Eat that time management!


This week (since last Thursday) has been a hurricane of emotions. Work is great it really is. I am doing the things that I enjoy and the 8 hour days don’t seem that long. I am lucky to have the job I do. There wasn’t to much that happened this week. Kinda the same as last week. I take a lot of pictures, type up all the rather dry bits of information that are important but make me want to cry sometimes. I almost had a post I’ve written up on our social media but I missed the mark. Again. So I am going to completely re-write it. But at the very least it is experience. Which in the long run my friends, is invaluable. And the people I work with make it all the better. The sales guys are fantastic and unbelievably helpful when I ask a billion questions about 12 different trailers. No, this is not a huge promotion. I actually really appreciate the fact that they know the trailers so well because I sure as hell don’t. But with the amount of information I type up on a daily basis I may soon know more than them! I am thankful for how steady and distracting work can be. My boy, lets call him… … … Hal. After Hal Moore. Its a movie reference. If you want to check it out that would be pretty cool. Its this awesome movie at the Americans in Vietnam and the mission that actually used the call broken arrow. All of my military will be explained in the movie, We Were Soldiers.


Anyway! He is heading off to BC soon for training and well RMC is very busy right now with graduation. Even though Hal is only in 3rd year he is required to help out a lot. This on top of my job on top of him getting ready to leave means that I don’t get to see him much or really hear from him. That is really hard. I only have 12 days left with him in the same time zone as me and I want to use all the time I can to see him and make the memories that will be my companion while he is gone. I love him and I know this is what he wants and it will make him happy to leave and to be in BC but that doesn’t mean it will be any easier for me. On my way to work I drive by RMC. It is a beautiful school, especially this time of year. Graduation for them is a huge deal and rightfully so it is a huge commitment. The flags are up and the grass is mowed and it scares me. I have one year exactly before my whole world changes. Its a weird feeling. It calms me that he has to come back to finish school but at the same time I only have one year. 365 days and by the time he gets home it will be less than 300. Less than 300. That isn’t a lot when you think about it.

Members of the Royal Military College of Canada graduation class march on the parade square at the college in Kingston, Ont. on Friday May 18, 2012. SPEC/Lars

Dating him is hard. I love him very much but it isn’t easy. You have to be your own person because they will cancel plans when you really count on them to be there. It hurts and you want so desperately to be mad but you can’t because at the end of the day its not their fault either. They eventually make it up to you but its all time and dating military you don’t have the luxury of time. But you grow together and you get stronger and the cancelled plans soon roll of your back because they will always happen. The ever looming goodbye is hard and it will be hard but I will get through it because what other choice do I have right? Anyway congrats to the Class of 2015. You guys did it. You made it.

Go Rving brings back wildhood

Working in an RV shop and doing the research on different camping options and tips to help with the social media sites means my ads and newsfeed’s are full of ads for various camping sites and what not.

This particular one from Go Rving Canada was really well done and reminds us all what it really means to be a kid in the summer. I believe that we live in a world that takes us away from nature and all of the wonderful experiences it provides us.

I’m not that old but I do remember being the days of elementary school. Those days I was rarely inside, especially in the spring and summer. Between the endless puddles to jump in and all the sports teams that took up my time I was only inside to eat and sleep. Back then which was only about 10 years ago I would find out where all my friends were because of who’s lawn all the bikes were on. Today it seems everyone knows where everyone else is thanks to social media. Don’t get me wrong I love my social media as much as the next person but I think that there is a time and a place for it, like everything.

This weekend my boyfriend and I went for a really beautiful, hot, sticky and long hike up at Frontenac Provincial Park. It was amazing. I loved every second of it and I loved the fact that I was in nature and not worried about the next email in my inbox or whoever needed to text me. It was nice for us to get out and reconnect with us before he leaves.

I think everyone this summer should take a page out of Go Rving’s book and reconnect with nature regardless of if you have kids.

Once Upon a Time in a Mother’s Day Special

Mother’s Day is the time of year that we all come together and sit in front of our TV’s at night and cry at all the sappy and heart warming ads about just how awesome Mom really is. And she is pretty awesome. She gave you life and if your mom is as cool as mine she because one of your closet friends.

When I saw this on Adweek yesterday evening I couldn’t help myself because as much as I know my mom loves me she will totally be like the moms in this video. I mean its entertaining reading the texts I get since she discovered emojis so I can only image what’s going to happen when I end up working in a job that didn’t exist 10 years ago.

The video is all kinds of funny and heartwarming. Its true, they don’t really know what their kids do for a living but at the end of they love their kids very much. I can’t speak for the people in the video but I wouldn’t be who I am without my mom.

Here is video. And if you didn’t get to spend time with your mom yesterday, make sure you call her and tell her just how awesome she is.