Experience Friday

Hey everyone,

This week has been long and draining. Emotions ran high and stress levels jumped through the roof as the work load begins to increase. Here is what I learned.

No matter how awful the week is carve out some ‘you’ time. Do what you need to do to stay happy, calm and healthy. For me that is yoga. The biggest thing I learned this week is that no matter how awful the world is, you will always be welcome in child’s pose for as long as you need. Big shout out to Studio 330 for being awesome!


Yoga itself has taught me a lot about life and myself. For one, breathe. Breathe through the stretch, breathe through life and the challenges you face and remember that all stretches should be felt and there is nothing wrong with pushing deeper if that is what you need.

yoga quote

School work is an amazing distraction from real life. Sometimes I am just tired of people and all the emotions surrounding me right now and my school work is the best place to hide. Word documents don’t talk back.

There will always be people you lean on and then there will be the people who have no idea what is going on in your life but their presence alone will make the day better and the challenges seem smaller. For me that is my Ambassador’s team. No matter what we face in our lives, for an hour a week all that matters are the 5 people in that board room working to better our program and there is something very magical about that time. We are a family.

Also, Tide to Go is an amazing life saving device that EVERY human needs.

tide to go

Go out and do something good for YOU today. Ill be at yoga if anyone needs me.



Experience Wednesday…

It has been a while dear readers. I am sorry for that but a lot has gone on. This will be one of my last experience posts of the summer. I am sure I will continue this into the fall as I am staying on at my “summer job”!

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But I will first catch you up on the wild and crazy experiences of this old soul!

So! We had a slight social media melt down 2 weeks ago regarding a comment my boss had made that was blown wickedly out of proportion. Now, on top of many things like how awful people can really be when sitting behind a key board, I also learned that I will NEVER work in PR. It is a very hard job and no matter what you do people are going to be screaming for your head to be on a spike. Many I’ve been watching to much Reign lately but it’s true. They all come running with torches and pitch forks while safely sitting behind their key boards.


An old friend of mine came to visit this past week and that taught me a lot about myself and life in general. I have changed a lot since moving to Ontario. I guess moving when you’re 16 while in your developmental years means that you will change and grow. I am not the same person I was at 16 and that is for the better. I have amazing friends here and I have built a life for myself that will make leaving very hard. The one thing I did realize is that leaving Saskatchewan was the best thing my parents ever did for me. The friend is exactly the same as she use to be. And no disrespect to her, it is all a personal choice and one that I will never judge but I did change and I grew up and embraced my new life with open arms and that now means that our friendship isn’t the same that it use to be. Many that is for the best, it is hard to say right now.


I realized while she was here just how lucky I truly am to have what I do. I have this amazing life that I built with amazing people. I am blessed to have the opportunity to attend a college with the support my parents have so kindly given me. That’s not to say my life is this magical fairy world with no challenges but compared to many I have none.

My yoga practice has taken off nicely and trust me you learn more about your body during a 75 minute class than you ever wanted to know. But it gives you building blocks for your life from breathing exercises that will get you through any exam ever to remembering that you can’t change everything but you can sure stretch it out.

So all in all it has been a very eventful 2 weeks and I cannot wait to find out what is in store for me in the very near future.