Valentines Day; a love hate relationship.

Okay I may be the only human in a relationship on the planet who is not celebrating valentines day. At all. My idea of a “special” date is literally doing the same thing that happens every weekend.

SO! I can still appreciate the beauty of Netflix and chill V-Day version…

The scary part is how well Netflix knows us. And knows our streaming habits. There is nothing healthy about it but it is what it is. So, happy streaming day!



Have we gone to far?

I will soon work in an industry that tries to reach people at all hours of the day regardless of where they are. But where does that stop? When is enough enough? When is the point where we say “okay that’s enough, we have invaded to much?”

Recently I read an article that was predicting the future of advertising and where we might end up. It was scary. Currently one of the few places left where we don’t have to see ads is in our sleep. Well sadly that may be no longer. In fact, according to a Dutch production company, that may be the next frontier of advertising.

Do I have an issue with this? Absolutely, dreams are our bodies way to process what has happened during the day. It is a natural process that can tell you a lot about your overall health. My sleep habits were what ultimately lead to my anxiety diagnosis. Those dreams are special places that are not to be disturbed. There is a line and ALL marketers need to be very aware of it.

So please, to those who came before me and currently have a stronger voice than I do; put a stop to this before it becomes more than just a short film.

Find out more here.



Ladies, Thank Nike.

Okay ladies,

This was just to good not to post.

Nike released a 2 minute ‘welcome winter’ spot and the stars are hot enough to melt the snow before it actually arrives.

I think the ad has something to do with their new super warm line that is to be available soon and thank god because it is getting frosty in Canada!

This will help you warm up I swear!

I know I am a big believer in gender equality and all that jazz and I am. So to make it fair, every person in this ad is super attractive and not because they are size 2 and super skinny but because they are FIT and HEALTHY!

Crazy thought I know!

So thank you Nike for that amazing spot! Couldn’t tell you what it was advertising but damn it’s fine.

Sorry, Skipper.


Mad Men

Hi all,

As today is Monday, I would like to share one of the many things I have learned from Mad Men.


Don Draper is trying to pitch an ad campaign plan to a client from Kodak. The product is a projector.

Here is the scene.

Here is what I learned.

It does not matter what you are selling at all. The best way is to develop a personal connection to the product for your audience. Show them how your product will bring them he past, happiness, a new perspective. Show them how your product will bring them closure to inner peace, to taming their demons, everyone has them and we all want them silenced. If you can do that, if you can develop a bond with your audience sure you will sell some product but you have touched their lives and at the end of this crazy journey we are all on; isn’t that what it’s really all about?

Just some food for thought,


The Magic of Story Telling

Today in class we watched a video on story telling and the power it has on human emotions. The video showed a TED talk. A very powerful one at that. The talk was given by the creator of many of my favourite childhood movies including Toy Story, Finding Nemo, Wall-E and A Bug’s Life. His Name is Andrew Stanton.


Now, as a marketing student and someone who loves to write, I am a story teller. I love to be able to make people feel things and have them engaged with what I am saying. This talk hit home for me. It is one of those talks that strikes something deep inside you and inspires you to keep going. To keep telling the stories and trying to spread wonder.

Here is the talk if you want to watch it. I would recommend taking the 20 minutes out of your day and indulging in something intoxicating.

Maybe it will evoke your soul the way it did mine.

Let me know what you think


The Magic of the Data Base

Hey y’all!

This week in my direct marketing class we have been learning all about data base software and the important service they provide. Yes, I tried very hard to not fall asleep. But it is important stuff. I swear I won’t bore you with the details I will however talk about something really cool that happened to me.

I am getting some awful cold and whenever I feel it coming on I dash to my tea shelf and pull out Cold 911. It is this amazing tea from David’s Tea that is full of awesome stuff including peppermint and juniper berries and trust me this is amazing. I had 2 cups yesterday and I feel almost back to normal today. That being said I did call it a night pretty early yesterday but that is not the point.


Anyway, when I went to find some on Monday I realized I was fresh out of my little savior as was Skipper so off I went to David’s Tea to stock us both up. I used my super handy Frequent Steeper loyalty card during my purchase a carried on my merry way.

Side note: Anyone who shops at David’s Tea NEEDS one of these cards. They are amazing!


Today I opened my email to find a little surprise. An email from David’s Tea letting me know about their Cold Season package full of all kinds of good things for those of us who are all stuffed up. Yes it could be a coincidence but I would like to blame our friend the Data Base.


Because I used my lovely loyalty card that tracks my purchase history and all that information is likely sent into a data base that helps David’s Tea target specific messages to specific customers. So thanks to my recent purchase at their store I received my lovely informative email!

So there my friends is the magic of the Data Base!

No, my teacher did not assign or pay me for this post, I swear!


Serena Williams: Why I Love her Momentum.

This past week we have seen a lot of Miss Williams, not in a tennis match (although maybe she had one, I could not tell you) but in two new ad campaigns. One by Gatorade and the other by Beats By Dre. Now before I get into why I love Serena and why these ads are so perfect I want to say, I know sweet all about tennis. Sure I did the gym unit in high school that I was required to but to be honest its an all girls gym class in the tenth grade. How much do you think I actually learned? So this post will be about Serena as a person and someone I admire.

I have a lot of respect for her, she is a powerful women both on and off the court. I love it. I love her confidence and the fact that she does not give a flying crap what anyone else thinks about her and her body. At least that’s what it looks like to me.

In the Gatorade spot we see her growing up and her rise to success in the tennis world. It talks about her power and well just how much of a roll model she is. This one wins the match in my humble opinion by showing such a positive power.

Then we flip over to the Beats By Dre spot. This one in my opinion has missed the mark. It isn’t believable. We hear the haters talking about Serena in a way that just doesn’t match her current success. It feels force. That being said I really love her outfit so…

Take a look for yourself!

YouTube and the Quest for the Golden Customer

Yea totally dumb headline but I laughed! So I saw the other day on Adweek (yes, my teachers have turned me into a marketing nerd) that the new trend to reach the ever lovely millenials is to team up with YouTube stars and shamelessly self promote. It actually makes a lot of sense. I personally have never been really big into the whole stalk people on YouTube thing but I listen to records so what do I know, right?

Don’t answer that.

The first one of these fancy new YouTube sponsorship-I-want-your-viewers thing that I saw was the Hannah Witton (she also blogs and you can visit that amazing piece of internet here) and Durex one. Holy shit I cried laughing. She is hilarious and I totally logged into my YouTube/Gmail account and followed or subscribed or nicely started stalking her or whatever the proper term for YouTube is…

ANYWAY. The video is actually pretty funny. She talks about sex *gasp* and relationships and super awesome things like that!

The other one that I watched while doing a little digging on the subject was the Rhett and Link teamup with Toyota video. HILARIOUS. I watch their stuff when I need a good pick me up.

This trend doesn’t shock me at all. Many of these channels, especially the beauty ones, have been promoting brands for a long time now. The only difference is the people who run these channels are being paid with the whole partnership/sponsorship thing. So really it is marketing at it’s finest. Take something pure and commercialize it. Simple. Ha. Ha. Yea not so simple.

But here is some puppies playing to distract you from that super lame ending! Happy Wednesday Y’all!

giphy puppies